Shapeshifter. One Woman’s Journey through Creative Spiritual Transformation
by Nikki Meyer-Featherstone
Shapeshifter is a book about healing transformation, told in a personal narrative. It is about the journey of one woman’s process, my process; in, through, around, and back out of the realms of art, spirituality, therapy, feminist psychology, and myth. It is the tale of a woman; a regular, every day woman, carrying an eternal Spirit, moving through deep, personal and painful landscapes toward healing and growth, on all levels of my being –emotional, mental, physical and, perhaps most importantly, spiritual. It is a story, a narrative, a snap shot of such profound work and felt experience, I felt it had to be shared. It combines art therapy with the spiritual ritual, the physical with the abstract, marrying the two into union and growth; into Shapeshifting.May the story of my healing transformation bring you insight and inspiration while you walk your own journey. Blessings be upon you.